Richard James

Friday, 23 July 2010

What is love?

Unrequited love is like being the last pickle in the jar!

You spend most of your life on a shelf in the hope that one day someone will notice you, pick you up and appreciate your full potential.

In wanting to be noticed, loved, you have in the past allowed that person in. I ask you why?

All they gave you was a dodgy romance and an awkward goodbye. For me the worst was that guy, forget his name now, but i turned to him the next day to try and make myself feel a little better about it. Hi, sorry i have forgotten your name, in response he says, er, ii don't understand you, my english isn't very good, i can speak a very good Portuguese. Bollocks, i thought he was being flirty coming in for a kiss, but perhaps he was trying to lip read.

Nono, that isn't the worst. I think the worst ever was Mark. After going out for a few cocktails to celebrate being single. Myself and a friend went to Soho. I go off to powder my nose, and admire my very absurd haircut (disaster). When i returned, the little fag hag had lined up 4 guys for me to 'sift' through whilst she went and flirted with the bouncer. Yes, celebrating being single was clearly failing but after a few drinks what's a guy to do.

It turns out that one of the guys is a police officer, he has that weirdly attractive look about him, where in normal circumstances you wouldn't pay much attention but after a drink and some strobe lighting i find myself being a total flirt. We end up at Trafalgar Sq, and i melt, its too much to take in. here i have been for over two years trying to be with this guy who only exists after a drink, yet i can go out in one evening and establish more of a relationship that what i have been working on for two years, is that love?

No its not, and i was annoyed at myself for falling for this guy but that’s life. I think the hardest of romances are the ones that happen at festivals. for some reason, everything seems to be heightened, free love and everyone wants to be your friend. However, whilst at Glastonbury i met someone who i am still in love with. It may sound silly, but i have never felt so wanted in my life. His name is Ben, he is originally from Yorkshire but works in London editing films. He is the first guy that i haven't tried to impress, his dancing wasn't that great, but his eyes were so honest. We kissed and led at the top of stones circle and watched the stars, the atmosphere was amazing. it was such a beautiful moment. And that was it, it ended. He had to go back to his friends and so did i. We had spent all night together, not even talking but just holding each other. I would have to say in say those few hours a great love affair happened. it was better than sex or anything that would usually happen.

It makes me think what all the fuss is about. Why do i get so tied up in something that is to special to be anything more than a friendship? I feel like an old married couple, the sex has died, we know everything about each other, we act like a couple but we can't be honest with each other. its always the elephant in the room. I want adventure, i want equality, i want to be held and want to melt without feeling guilty. I have had my time to reflect, i have spent a long time wanting to be yours. I still love you, but you will never change.

All they wanted is a taste of you, they didn't want the jar... which, after all, is why we single pickles get so upset.

However, it's time to stop being the last one. Realize that on our own, on your shelf, we pickles can be whomever we want. What's the point in waiting for that one person to come along? Take pride in who you are - don't be the last pickle!

Monday, 12 July 2010


Monday 12th July 2010
I am going to finally start blogging on a regular basis, providing i can A) be bothered and B) understand how to use this damn computer.

My last post was from a monologue i wrote as part of my Performance Art degree at South Bank, which is centered around new writing and devising. My new posts will be a collaboration of my creative writing and just daily blogging. However, what i had for breakfast and last night romance i feel will not be a highlighted feature. after all i am not Paris Hilton and don't intend to sell out.

Weekend update:
Richard James @ the annual Gillingham Terrace street party, Bath. This years theme was dead celebrities. I was tempted to go as myself, as having been on television a few times i count myself as a ZLISTER (joking) OF COURSE! Sarcasm aside, i decided to go as the fabulous and officially dead, Andy Warhol. Picture above!
Yes... Andy Warhol, not Myra Hindley! As if someone asked me if i had dressed as her... She may have been a monster
but bitch got style y'all! :P

I have a slight obsession with Warhol. He was a bold man who didn't conform.
Famous for his bold artwork, factories and the people who we're around him,
i feel very connected to him. Perhaps, if i move to Hackney Wick, i too can live the life of Warhol.
The scene in Hackney Wick is amazing. Little rich kids in disused factories, having massive parties
and making art. It is rather dreamy. However, i am not a rich kid looking for a personality i just
want to be in an artistic community where you are free to explore your creativity.

Ok, Papa has to go and have some wine and possibly contact Freddie (the man in the photo)
Perhaps more on him in my next blog.